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Why unlock PDF?
By setting a password on a PDF document, you guarantee its security. However, if you need to share the file, it will be easier for others to access it without encryption. In this case, you can unlock your file using the online PDF Modify tool.
Security & File Safety
Concerned about the safety of your document after decryption? No worries, we will keep your file safe. Additionally, every file will be removed from the system.
Smart decryption
The password will be removed from your PDF instead of cracking the encryption. PDF with a password is non-copyable. After unlocking it, you can copy document content.
Unlock your PDFs with ease
The whole process takes just a few seconds. You don’t need to download any additional software and worry about technical difficulties. We will do magic for you!
Convenient and practical
PDF Modify is a convenient and practical online tool. You can transform your files on the go anywhere at any time when you have internet.
PDF Modify can be accessed from any device as it’s an online-based file convertor. Feel free to work with your files using a PC, laptop, tablet or even phone.
How to Unlock PDF:
  1. Upload your PDF file to PDF Modify by one of the following ways:
    • dragging a file from anywhere on your computer to the colored space on the page;
    • adding a file from your dropbox by clicking the ;
    • clicking the “Choose files” button.
  2. Type your password and click the “Unlock PDF” button.
  3. Your new file is ready! Download it by clicking the “Download” button or add it to your Dropbox by clicking the .
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